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This is an unsafe space

I want you to reach deep down inside of you

For that little sharp dark object

That occupies your mind

When you wake up at night and cannot fall back to sleep

Your darkest secret

Your deepest regret

Your foulest sin

Pick it up

And write it down on paper

And put it in this little box of secrets

And when you drop it

Let your shame accompany it down to the bottom

I believe that when we share our burdens

They get easier to carry

So please share your secret with me

I will read it, cherish it

And make art out of it

I feel it is my responsibility as an artist

To explore that what doesn't want to be explored

And enter unsafe spaces



An intimate musical conversation about our most shameful sins and the scars they have given us.

For art to be able to mirror the whole human being it also needs to adress the difficult and uncomfortable. Both the artist and the audience therefore sometimes need to expose themselves to so-called "unsafe spaces". This is the core of Anna Arco's music, and her two previous albums have dealt with how to portray the entire human emotional spectrum. Songs of Sins and Scars is the last part of Arco's Songs-trilogy. It is about our deepest secrets: our sins, the scars they have given us and how we can, or cannot, live with them. 

Through three different duo constellations, our sins and secrets are explored through Anna Arco's compositions. It is big feelings in big soundscapes with small means on a small setting when the feelings, stories and songs are examined, completely destroyed and rebuilt in an intimate musical conversation in front of a live audience.

Anna Arco - vocals, synthesizers
Stina Hellberg Agback - harp 
Simon Löfstedt - guitars 
Björn Eriksson - synthesizers 

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